Friday, 29 April 2016

25 Bookish Facts about ME!

Posted by Unknown at 16:06:00
I wasn't tagged to do this, but I saw all these videos and posts about it and it looks like so much fun so I'm going to do this. These are more like confessions, which by the way I'm not at all ashamed about.

1. I started reading and fell in love with books at the age of 15.

2. My all time favourite author is Sarah J. Maas.

3. The novel/series that got me into reading was in fact The Selection.

4. Specifically YA, I'm obsessed with the fantasy genre.

5. I can't read two books at a time.

6. I can't listen to audiobooks. I can't really picture what's happening in the novel.

7. In terms of online reading, I download books off of into my iPhone and read there.

8. Once for a whole week, I went to Chapters every single day and bought a book every single time.

9. Since I started reading, I am less stressed.

10. I love writing reviews on my blog, for myself and also for the readers.

11. I love re-tellings of disney princesses.

12. I'm a Hardcover person.

13. Following that, It stresses me out when the second book in any series are Hardcover and the rest are Paperback.

14. The Longest Book I ever read was Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas.

15. Following 14, I read a 600 page book in 3 days.

16. I always use a bookmark for my reading. I have never Dog-eared my books.

17. I am not at all interested in adult books whatsoever, but I have read some.

18. I have the first two books in the Harry Potter series which I haven't read.

19. I organize my bookshelf atleast 3 times a week.

20. I don't have sticky notes sticking out of my book that I'm currently reading just to make notes.

21. Whenever I go to the bookstore and pick a book, chances are that I haven't read the back.

22. I have more books on my TBR than my Read pile.

23. I don't eat while reading because most of the time the crumbs fall onto it and that bugs me.

24. I have never lent my books to anyone.

25. I used to think that I will eventually grow out of reading but turns out it grew more.

So there you have it. What are some of your confessions? I would love to know.


S on 4 May 2016 at 16:30 said...

Nice Confessions Barri! :p

Unknown on 4 May 2016 at 18:01 said...

It was hard ....but thank you!

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