Summer is just rolling around. Finally, this school year is done. I have been waiting for this year to be done when It started. Summer TBR is something that we all have. If you don't know what it is, then I don't know, isn't it obvious? Anyways Summer TBR is basically a TBR pile that is going to be accomplished in the summer.
The first series that I desperately what to start is...
The Grisha Triology by Leigh Bardugo
I've had all three books on my shelf for a very long time now. I kept reading and buying other books but totally forgot about this one. I did read Six of Crows though. I loved it. My review will (hopefully) be up soon. Its set in the same setting as the Grisha Triology but with different characters and a whole new story line. And no, you do not need to read the Grisha Triology to read these series. I'm going to be buddy reading with a friend over at Goodreads which I'm super excited about
The second series that I need to start is...
A Court of Thorns and Roses also known as ACOTAR by Sarah J. Maas
I have the first book but need the second book. I have loved every book that Sarah wrote and can't wait to read these series. Also, this is a beauty and beast re-telling, which sounds really exciting. Because you know I LOOOVEEE re-tellings.
The third series that I really need to continue is...
Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard
I read Red Queen a while ago and loved it. I borrowed it from the library so I don't have a physical copy, yet. But I swear I was so excited that Glass Sword was coming out that I pre-ordered and squeaked when I saw it in my hands a day before it came out. Now, more than half of the world has read it and here I am procrastinating. But it's happening soon.
Glass Sword has a crown because it's related to the book. Also because I wanted to make the book fancy.
The fourth series that I need to continue is....
Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld
The first time I read this book was more than a year ago. I re-read it a couple of weeks ago and fell in love with it all over again. I need to buy the next three books because I really need to read the next books to know what happens next. In case you missed it, I wrote a review on Uglies. Don't worry it's spoiler-free. You can go here.
The next book that is on my TBR list for a few years is...
Salvage by Alexandra Duncan
This book has been sitting on my shelf for as long as I can remember and never once have I opened to read it. I know I know, I'm the worst. But I can't wait to read this one because it sounds super interesting.
That's it for my Summer TBR pile. I know what your thinking. That's it? But there's more. I will add a second Summer TBR, like a part 2. Because we all know that that's not it. I'm going to go crazy and buy more books forgetting that I have like billions other books to read from my shelf. But it's okay. Can't wait to read more!!!
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