Author: Kaitlyn Davis
Publisher: Self-published
Release date: May 17, 1016
Release date: May 17, 1016
Number of Pages: 211
Genre: Fantasy, re-telling, Fairy tales
About: A re-telling of the famous fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast. In this book, beauty is cursed. Omorose Bouchene is cursed. She has a secret, magic. At the age of seven, an earthquake hit her world. Her planet and the new world got crashed into each other. This new world is called Earth, where people use cell phones and skycrapers. Anyone with magic will become the enemy if they use it.
But after ten years, she want's to be free. All magic comes with a price. And if she uses magic, it takes off some days of her life. Her price is time. The only option is left is to escape to the realm of the Beast. But the king of monsters isn't what he seems to be. The realizes that the only person she needs to be afraid is herself, as she opens her heart.
I received this book through NetGalley.
My Review -- 5/5 stars!
Beauty and the Beast (Original):
- There was once a boy named Robby Benson. He was a boy-king. He was cruel, and a ruthless ruler. One day a woman came to his door and offered him a flower. He refused. Since he was believed to never love again, this refusal confirmed it. The old woman turned into a beautiful fairy and cursed him. She transformed him into a beast, his servants into household items, and the entire castle turned dark. The curse can only be broken if the Beast learns to love another and receives the other's love in return before the last petal of the enchantress's rose withers and falls; if not, he will be doomed to remain a beast forever. As the years pass, the Beast sits in his castle wallowing in despair, convinced that no one could ever love him.
- Beauty (belle) wanted to get away from the village she was living in.
- Gaston was a man who was adored by the girls in the village but is frowned by belle.
- Belle's father is considered crazy by creating an invention.
- Her father wanted to go to a convention to show off his invention, but it was night and he got lost. His horse ran away. He found a castle so thought he would stay the night. But he didn't know of the beast that stayed there. He went all the way inside and found a room by the fireplace where he was just getting comfortable when the beast came and he was thrown in a cell.
- The horse that ran back home found belle. That day Gaston was forcing her to marry her. When the horse came she took off.
- She found the castle, went inside and found her father. She volunteered to stay in the castle in exchange for her father.
- Her father says that she will not do it, but she stays. Without saying Good-bye, the beast forces him out of the castle.
- Belle locks herself in a room. The beast tells her that she has to eat but she refuses. After a while she goes out and he forbids to go to the west wing of the castle, but she goes anyways.
- She finds the enchantress's rose. The beast was there too, but he scares her off. She runs out of the castle.
- She is chased by wolves on her way out but the beast follows her, saves her and gets injured.
- Belle goes back to the castle with him and heals him.
- They start spending time together and eventually get fond of each other.
- Meanwhile, back in the village, belle's father goes for help to save her daughter from the beast. He asks Gaston and his friend, but they laugh at him. Then Gaston thinks that if he helps him, he will let her daughter to him. He agrees.
- Back in the castle, belle and the beast grow more nearer, but she is homesick, and he lets her go.
- She reaches home to find her father sick. Gaston and the villagers come for her father and locks him away. Belle tells that the beast is real, through a mirror that the beast gave her. The villagers go after him. The household items fight when they all are in the castle, but the beast has given up. He gets defeated. But belle shows up soon for him and he fights back.
- This is the scene when the last petal is about to fall. As Gaston and the beast are fighting, Gaston stabs him, but he manages to get up and go for belle. (I'm not going to tell what happens to Gaston)
- The beast is stabbed and the last petal fell. Belle says that she loved him and cries over his broken body.
- She sees a light that comes and the beast is changed back to a human. The dark castle transforms into a castle that once was, the household items turned human again and its a happily every after.
For those of you who haven't seen the original version, what are you doing?! You need to watch this. Click here to watch the movie. Your welcome! (not sponsored)
Withering Rose
This story is very similar to Beauty and the beast. Instead in this case beauty is cursed and not The beast. The beast is considered to be the King of Monsters. The Beast can transform, but he isn't ashamed. He is happy. He rules a kingdom full of shapeshifter. But just like The beast in the original, he doesn't love anyone and has anger issues. His servants are not transformed into household items instead they have a magic that they can shape shift.
Omorose (belle, beauty) has a curse. She's not turned in any way, no. She has magic that she inherited when her mother died. She can give life to plants. She can feel the life of dying, living, surviving, healthy plants.
But all magic comes with a price. Her price is time. Whenever she uses her magic a day or two, maybe even two weeks are cut off from her life. She turns to the Beast for help.
I loved this book so much and it reminded me of the original version the whole time. It was really creative for Davis to add a whole dark side to both of their pasts and tell the whole story. I feel like my life was a lie about the whole beauty and the beast, but now that the secrets are revealed, I'm content with it.
I have to say Omorose and Cole are really cute. Like relationship goals man.
Back to my point, this re-telling is amazing. And the best part is that you still can have your childhood while reading this one. Reading this it just completes the histories of both belle and the beast if you think about it.
I actually cried reading this at that one part when THAT happens and it was so emotional. I'll tell you the whole story. So I was about to sleep and the whole house was quiet, when I couldn't sleep. So I thought why not use read my book. I cried my eyeballs out. But it was all worth it because this book had the best ending anyone could imagine in a fairy tale re-telling.
Where to find this book?
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