Author: Victoria Aveyard
Publisher: Harper Teen
Number of pages: 383
Genre: Fantasy, Action
About: This is a world divided by blood - Red and Silver. The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change. That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.
Fearful of Mare’s potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime.
But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance – Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart.
Ok, first and foremost, I already finished reading Glass Sword. I was about to start the review for that book when I realized that I still have to write the review for the first book.
This book starts with Mare and Kilorn roaming around the Stilts. The Stilts is what the Red's call their village. They are poor. Since the Silver's have power, guess who gets the advantage of wealth. Mare is a thief and beggar which is not as a surprise because basically everyone in the stilts are. They are roaming around until they sit in a type of a arena and watch a silver and a red fight. Now, since the silvers have power, obviously the silver was going to win. But basically the story starts from there.
As I mentioned, Mare lives in the Stilts. But when she was in a palace serving the silvers, she discovers that she has powers too. It was in front of the King and Queen and her two sons. Cal and Maven. The scene was something like this. Silvers girls were showing off their powers so that two girls could be picked and married to Cal and Maven. It was then, when Mare accidentally called upon lightening, which she didn't know she had, and everyone in that room saw what she was. Silvers try to hide this fact and get her engaged to Maven. Stuff goes down from there. Training, killing and war.
If you have read this book, you will understand what kind of betrayal was found in this book. THAT BETRAYAL THOUGH. This betrayal is anything I've ever read in any book. Victoria really knows how to make a reader stick to a book till the end. For her first book, its really impressive.
Let's talk Characters. Mare. She is the main character. Following other main characters. Her blood is Red and in this world Red-blooded people are slaves to the Silver-blooded monarchy. She hates silvers but is forced to live with them, train with them. But no one can really object because if this was happening in the real world, everyone would also hate them. Mare's family members include
Daniel, Dad
Trammy, eldest brother
Bree, second eldest
Shade, third eldest
Gisa Youngest, only sister
Some of the other really important characters include:
Tiberias Calore A.K.A Cal - Prince of Norta
Maven, step brother - prince of Norta
Tiberias Calore - King of Norta
Elara Merandus - Queen of Norta, Maven's mother
Evangeline Samos - engaged to Cal
Julian Jacos - Cal's uncle
Sara Samos - Julian's lover
Ptomelus Samos - executioner
Farley - leader of the Scarlet Guard
If you don't know any of the characters, then go read the book and come chill while knowing what role they play in this book.
Love Triangle: Of course, Of course there's a love triangle. How could there be not? Since she is engaged to Maven, she starts to fall in love with Cal. Btw, I'm #teamcal all along. Since the first time she introduced Cal, I am in love with him.
Overall, loved all the characters. The plot. The betrayal. The secrets. The whole story line were great. If your still here, thank you for staying till the end of the post, I appreciate it.
Where to find the book:
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